Feb 10, 2025 | Featured, foundationEvents
THE 2025 CRAB FEED DINNER IS SATURDAY MARCH 29th! MAKE YOUR RESERVATION TODAY! The annual CRAB FEED and seafood dinner is our junior sailing biggest fundraiser going back twenty years. All funds raised through the Crab Feed ticket sales and auctions directly go...
Dec 30, 2021 | Featured, foundationEvents
This year was most definitely a different type of year, so naturally the Crab Feed auction and dinner had to be morphed into a completely different type of event. Instead of being held in February upstairs in the dining room, this year it was in September outside on...
Jul 9, 2021 | Featured, foundationEvents
Get Crabby! Returning to Balboa Yacht Club after a year off, the BYC MSSF Crab Feed is scheduled for September 10! All the crab and fixin’s you can eat, served up by some really great young sailors. This is the the Foundation’s premier fundraising event...
Jun 20, 2016 | Featured, foundationEvents
Our annual Bilge Bazaar, held in the front spot at Minney’s Chandlery yielded more than $5,000 for the Foundation’s Junior Sailing Fund this year. We had over 20 volunteers helping to price the sale items, sort, load and offload from the truck, and then sell, sell,...
Jun 4, 2014 | Featured, foundationEvents
Another year another Bilge Bazaar! This year, thanks to the many donations of yachting treasures received from BYC members and friends, we were able to raise over $5000 for the Foundation’s Junior Sailing Fund! Once again, many thanks to all the volunteers who...