2012 CISA Clinic – Bayley Davidson

Dear BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation, There is not enough thanks in the world to express my gratitude.   Thank you so much for helping with the funding for the CISA clinic. Without you, my skipper, Carolyn Smith, and  I, would not have been able to...

2012 CISA Clinic – Ryan Davidson

Dear BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation, I would like to thank you for the funding towards the 2012 CISA clinic held at ABYC. This year I crewed for Matt Hecht of SDYC in International 420s. We were coached by superb coaches, including Graham Biehl, the...

POW Qualifiers in San Francisco – Brandon Wood

We want to thank the BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation for supporting our match racing! Colin Averill was up on bow and Dillon Lancaster was in middle. The team worked extremely well right from the get go. We had a great time sailing in San Francisco!...

2011 Orange Bowl – Megan Roach

Dear Maritime Sciences and Seamanship Foundation, Thank you so much for the money that allowed me and my crew Leah Russell to go to Orange Bowl this winter break. This really was an experience that I will never forget. The regatta was held at Coral Reef Yacht Club in...

2011 Orange Bowl – Jeff Tolan

Dear BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation, Thank you so much for the support I received  for the Orange Bowl Regatta this past December.  This regatta was my first  Orange Bowl, and the first opportunity I had to sail on the east coast. This experience...