Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Click here to see Angelina’s report… Summer Sailing Report
Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Thank you so much once again for all your constant support of my sailing! I just finished my last C420 event of the summer, the C420 South Shore Championships in Long Island, NY, and am now beginning our road trip back home to California. For the final event of the...
Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Dear MSSF, Thank you so much again for all of your support in my sailing events. The C420 South Shore Championship in Long Island, NY, was my last planned event for the summer, but unfortunately, after a quick trip to the ER and a couple of stitches, I found myself...
Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Click here to see Dylan’s report… MSSFGrantReport2021Nationals
Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Thank you so much for all your continued help and support of my sailing. I just finished my first C420 Regatta of the summer, C420 New Englands, in Stonington CT where my brother, Dylan, and I were able to finish in 9th place out of 62 boats. Here is a summary of my...
Aug 10, 2021 | Featured, grantReports
Thank you so much for all your help and support of my summer trip out east! I just finished my second C420 Regatta of the summer with my brother, the C420 North American Championships, where we were able to place 10th out of 91 boats. Upon finishing the C420 New...