Dear BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation,

I would like to thank you for the funding towards the 2012 CISA clinic held at ABYC. This year I crewed for Matt Hecht of SDYC in International 420s. We were coached by superb coaches, including Graham Biehl, the current Olympic crew in the 470, and Bill Ward, the current assistant coach of St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

We had 3 excellent days of heavy breeze training leading up to an unfortunate light air race day. On Friday, we were sailing in roughly 15-20 knots when a 30 knot squall blew through with hail as well.

Even with the interesting weather we had a very exciting and fun weekend with all of the other youths at the clinic, and learned a ton about sailing these highly technical boats in a wide range of conditions.

Thank you for your continuous support towards all of my sailing endeavors.


Ryan Davidson