Dear BYC Maritime Sciences and Seamanship Foundation,
Thank you so much for your financial support, helping me to attend 2017 Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta held at Coral Reef Yacht Club in Miami, Florida. Sadly due to some unforeseen circumstances, my skipper Jean Marie Wanlass, who I had trained with for months, was unable to attend. Fortunately, Jeffrey Petersen was able to join me as my skipper. We were able to quickly make up lost time. On our first day, we prepar
We were very happy with our performance in the qualifiers since we had only sailed togeather three time by the end of them. On our first race in silver, we finished in third but sadly got U flagged at the start but we were still very proud. We used that excitement into the next race placing sixth. Sadly during that race, I was hit in the head and we were not able to compete in the last race of the day. On the last day for racing, we had a decent first race but due to my injury the previous day we were again not able to race in the last race of the regatta. We finished in 56 overall in the regatta.
Even with all the crazy events that occurred during the regatta, we learned so much and both hope to return another year with more planning beforehand. We were able to experience different conditions than California offers which opened many new challenges and new opportunities to learn. I am so happy that I was able to to have the opportunity to experience and learn everything that I did at the event. I’m very thankful to MSSF for your help in helping me to having this opportunity.
Thank you again!
Alex Stauffer