Thank you so much for supporting of my last trip to Stonington, Connecticut for the 2021 Club 420 New England Championship regatta. This was our first time competing in this regatta, as well as the first c420 event of the summer circuit.

Morgan and I first arrived at Wadawanuck Yacht Club on Monday morning, the day before the regatta started. There, we met up with our coach, Augie Dale, and our training group for the rest of the summer. We all unloaded our boats and rigged up for a quick practice session. While there was little to no wind, it was still a good chance for us to get to know the venue and see the racing area.

The regatta itself took place on June 29-30th. Both days started out with a decent morning breeze of 10-11 knots but eventually died down in the afternoon to nothing. The first day was very strong for Morgan and me. We had great starts and were able to hold our lane over to the left side of the course, which was favored both because of pressure and the current. After 3 races, we had a scoreline of 3, 2, 1 and were winning the regatta by 4 points. The second day was a bit rougher for us. We had a little more trouble getting off the line. The wind direction was also a little further to the right, meaning the race course was more open and harder to analyze. Though we found ourselves in some difficult situations, we were still able to salvage the last few races, placing us in 2nd overall out of the total 61 boats.

This was a great event, as well as a great start to our summer sailing. I am extremely grateful to BYC MSSF for making this experience possible for me!