The annual CRAB FEED and seafood dinner is our junior sailing biggest fundraiser going back twenty years. All funds raised through the Crab Feed ticket sales and auctions directly go towards benefitting our junior sailing program, our sailors, our coaches, and towards our local high school sailing teams in our bay.

So, what is Crab Feed?  It is a great evening where you get to roll up your sleeves and eat seafood with your fingers, friends and family. Our junior sailors are the servers, and they come though the dining room with family style trays of fresh seafood, rolls, and other goodies while working hard for their cash tips that all go back to the fundraiser. Our board members are your cocktail servers for the evening event as well.

All the money raised during the silent and live auctions goes directly to our juniors through the BYC Maritime Sciences & Seamanship Foundation (MSSF).  BYC MSSF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation and gifts may be tax deductible. When you donate any items to the auctions, we can get a letter to you for tax donation purposes.

In recent years through the generous donations, we were able to buy a new sabot trailer, an ILCA trailer, new sails and jibs for the three GC21s, as well as get them all bottom painted.  Support was also given to Team BYC coaches to help get them to away regattas up and down both coasts as well as help our sailors with entry fees to some of these regattas. Sailing is such a great sport for our young members, and through the Crab Feed fundraiser we can raise money to continue to support their efforts.

Please make your reservation today and bring your family and friends because this event sells out fast and we want to make this night a HUGE SUCCESS!